Frequently Asked Questions
Problems or Concerns?
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. Drop boxes offer a secure way to deliver your completed mailed ballots on time so your vote will be counted without using the U.S. Mail. In Fairfax County, drop boxes will be available at all early voting locations when they are open and at all Fairfax County polling locations from 6 am - 7 pm on election day.
Drop boxes will be continuously observed by an Election Officer when they are available. The drop boxes will be outside of the room where regular voting occurs or near the building entrance.
Return your completed absentee ballot EARLY before Election Day. The main reason returned absentee ballots are not counted is because they are returned too late, after the deadline.
- Hand-deliver your completed ballot personally to drop boxes at any early voting locations during operating hours or at any polling location on Election Day.
- If you choose to use the U.S. Postal Service, allow a minimum of 2 weeks for delivery of your completed ballot.
Minimize risk when casting your ballot.
- Vote Early at any time during the 45-day early voting season so you can pick the time when you are able, and when the weather and other conditions are fine.
- Plan to vote before Election Day so that if conditions change, there’s always another day to vote. Election Day is the LAST day to vote.
No. However, you have options on what to do:
- Return your completed mailed ballot:
- Normally by mail as soon as possible. Don't wait!
- By dropping it off at drop boxes at any early voting locations during operating hours or at any polling location on Election Day.
- Exchange your absentee ballot for a new ballot and cast your vote normally at any early voting location or your normal polling location on Election Day.
Go to an early voting location if you can. You will be able to vote normally after signing a statement.
If that is not an option, go to your polling location on election day. They will have you vote provisionally. While the Electoral Board has sole authority on whether your vote counts, they typically accept provisional ballots for those who did not return their absentee ballot by mail.
If you make a mistake on your ballot and have not returned it, you may get a new ballot by emailing [email protected] with the word "Reissue" in the subject line.
You may not request a reissued ballot if you already returned your original absentee ballot.
In order to have your vote counted, your completed ballot must be postmarked by Election Day at 7pm. Ballots received before noon on the Friday after Election Day will be counted. U.S. Mail takes 2-5 days for delivery so mail no later than Saturday, November 2nd.
If you're worried about the ballot being returned in time, you can return your completed ballot to the dropbox at any early voting location or polling place (does not have to be your own) during operating hours.
Fairfax County Government offers transportation assistance for older adults, low-income individuals, individuals with disabilities and individuals accessing Fairfax County Human Services who need transportation assistance.
Yes. Curbside voting is available during early voting and on election day for all people 65 or older and those with disabilities.
For some people convicted of felonies, their voting rights are revoked for life unless restored by the Governor of Virginia. In order to petition the Governor for your restoration of rights, including the right to vote, click here.
Stay at the polling location and call the Voter Protection Hotline
(844) 4VA-VOTE
(844) 482-8683
Or ask a poll observer for assistance.
Contact Us
Fairfax County Democratic Committee:
[email protected] or 703-573-6811